Do you know of someone who would benefit from prayer? Would you like us to pray for you?
WARM has created a Prayer Team to provide consistent prayer coverage for WARM clients, staff and volunteers. No prayer is too big or too small! God tells us if two people agree in asking Him anything, He will respond (although not always the way we expect). So, let’s lift our voices in unity, asking God for all we need.
All prayer requests will be kept confidential.
Please use the form below to complete your prayer request.
In addition, WARM has Pastoral Coaches who serve as a spiritual care team that moves the ministry of WARM beyond the external needs of our neighbors by ministering the Word of God to them wherever they are in their relationship with the Lord. These coaches serve on-site at our facility. You can visit with them while at our facility or reach out to them through their contact information listed below.
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”
Jeremiah 29:12